Saturday, January 21, 2012


Cassie is a gift. She called me yesterday evening as G and I were headed home. I was exhausted after an afternoon of differing opinions with my two-year-old.

It started at the sitter/his godmother's house. G and I had a twenty minute argument about a diaper. He wanted to wear a Lightening McQueen Pull-Up that he'd been offered if he made a deposit on the potty. He would not deposit, but insisted he "didn't want the baby diaper." Consistency is key, so I calmly wresting him into a diaper after two visits to the potty.

Quick call to Josh. He suggested I brought G home. No time. We had somewhere to be! I had this.

Then we went to the playground where my mother-in-law were going to walk. G refused to wear a coat. It was cold and was barely drizzling by the time we left. Again, I won, but not with quite as much grade as the Diaper/Pull-Up Battle.

Next, we stopped at the library. There, he insisted he had to use the potty. Five minutes before the place closed. We were the only patrons. Sorry, Charlie. I realized I'd forgotten his log for the reading program, so we'd have to wait on stickers. He continued to yell about cookies (his code for #2) until the librarian offered to show him the stickers. Meltdown. "I don't want stickers!" I wrestled him into the carseat, but he was starting to get the upper hand.

At Food Lion, I perused the dairy section, looking for Flaxseed Milk. Hey, I'm on a diet, and that stuff is like 50 calories a cup. As a bonus, it isn't gross. G perused the cartons as well. Since he didn't have his wallet with him, I selected soy milk instead of the one with the cow (the one he was very loudly endorsing). We picked up some baby diapers (no argument this time), then I wrestled him into the carseat again.

To the tune of screaming G, Cassie called.

"Oh! That baby is happy, huh?"

I recounted my afternoon to her.

"Wow. You'd better hope nobody calls CPS on you. I mean, you made him wear a coat, gave him a dry diaper, and tried to give him sticker? You could be in real trouble."

And that's why I love Cassie. Perspective. :)

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