Friday, December 21, 2012


Cassie and I are blessed to have our 91-year-old grandmother around.  She moved in with our parents earlier this year.  I don't like close enough to visit her as often as I like.  Still, I get to see her a lot more often than I used to--like today!

For the past few years, Cass and I have taken our kids to Swift Creek Mill Theater's Christmas play.  It features many of the same characters each year in a new story.  Lunch is included with the play, and the characters mingle with the crowd as they dine.  This year we took our nieces and Oma.

Oma loves plays.  She attended several at ECU in the past few years while she lived with my aunt and uncle.  My cousin and her husband work there, and Eva was always really good about getting her headphones so that she could hear the performances.

I'd totally forgotten that as we sat down today.  She was seated next to the youngest of our crew, but we were in the next-to-the-last row.  After the play, I asked her if she could hear it.  She smiled and replied, "Oh, no, but that's OK.  I make up a story in my head!"
During lunch, Santa asked Oma why he hadn't gotten a letter from her for some years.

Now, I don't know that I'll live to be 91.  If I do, though, I hope I have an attitude like hers!