"Look, Mama! My toy is yike a can-dole!"
Yes, G, your toy is like a candle.
A flexi-straw is "yike a dragon". A tree is "yike a tree"--ok, that one isn't really a simile, since a tree IS a tree, but he is only two.
The most confusing simile was at the Petersburg National Battlefield Park one weekend. I was tying his shoe, my hair flowing in the breeze, when he told me, "Mama! Your hair is yike a cheeseburger."
A cheeseburger? I must have heard wrong. That made no sense! I asked him, and he replied, "Yeah, it yike a Krabby Patty."
So much for poetic genius.
This morning the squeaky wheel on his bike was "yike a bird talking". Now I'm feeling a little less than confident about my hair.