Free/Cheap Events: Tricities Area!

This calendar is a compilation of free events I have heard about. It is not meant to be an advertisement. I have linked to pages describing the events when possible.

Fight that "Summer Slide!"

Studies show that students often "slide back" during the summer. Taking them to enriching events can slow that slide.
  • TALK with your kids! Even if we go to a $1 movie, we talk about our favorite part, the funniest part, which character we liked or are most like, when we "knew" how it would end. That's story structure!
  • READ with your kids!
  • Let them spend some quiet time with puzzles, not just electronics: word puzzles, jigsaw puzzles.
  • Have them help you count change or money. I hand B money at the gas station and ask him how much I'm purchasing.
Keep those brains sharp, and enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. thanks for this list lady! Hope we can do lots together this summer!

